May I Have Your Attention Please?

Critical information is typically preceded by this important question. Whether it’s a grade school handannouncement reminding students to bring in a permission slip or a conductor on a train announcing the next stop, these words get an audience’s attention.

What happens if the announcement isn’t spoken, but printed instead? As it turns out, color is the printed equivalent of this simple phrase. According to research conducted by Loyola College in Maryland, color increases readers’ attention span and recall by 82% and helps them locate important information in a document 70% faster. Furthermore, when it comes to filling out paperwork, companies that use color to highlight critical instructions on forms see an 80% reduction in errors. This means fewer customer service calls, a faster processing time, and a better customer experience. Color also can improve your cash flow—businesses that use color to highlight the amount due and date due on their invoices see a 30% increase in payment response rates.

Whether your audience is consumers, business leaders, students, or employees, distraction is the enemy. If you don’t ensure that they are focused on taking the desired action, you will pay the price. May I have your attention please? Use color to get the attention of your reader and make your job easier!

Quote of the Week: “The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you’re trying to tell them.”
–Meg Rosoff

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